The Auto-Nav block is designed to create lists of pages on your site.
Based on your criteria, it determines where to pull pages from, how many pages to pull, and in what order to place them.
Its stock templates display these pages in a simple unordered HTML list.
Auto-nav block options
Pages should appear: In this drop-down menu you select how you want the pages to be ordered in the nav. They can be arranged how they are in the sitemap, chronologically/reverse chronologically, or alphabetically/reverse alphabetically.
Viewing Permissions: You can choose to display pages that users may not actually have access to. If a visitor clicks on a link to a page they do not have access to, they will be prompted to login with an account that has access before they can continue.
Display Pages: Here's where you choose what level of the tree you want to start displaying pages.
Sub-Pages: Choose the amount of sub-pages you want displayed, if any.
Sub-Page Levels: Here's where you choose exactly how many sub-pages are shown.