Allow your website users to submit information directly to you via email and save it in the CMS.

Create basic forms and send data to your email or export responses into Excel. 

Example form

The form block gives you several tabs in edit mode to use:

  • Add - This tab lets you create new questions in the form. Simply set the required settings and field types, click "add question". 
  • Edit - This tab lets you change the sort order of the questions in the form and remove questions.
  • Preview - This gives you a sense of what the form will look like.
  • Options - Here you can edit the properties of the form and set what happens when the form is submitted and who it gets sent to.

Available fields

Text field - User can input text and numbers (ideal for full name type fields)

Text area - Useful for longer areas of text input (addresses, enquiry/message). You can dictate the size by increasing the text area width and height fields.

Radio buttons - User can make one selection from a list of options

Select box - User to select option from a drop down list

Checkbox list - offer the user more than one choice with a range of check boxes

File upload - Allow user to upload a file with their submission (Consider security implications of this)

Email address - dedicated email field (Will check for a suitable @ symbol)

Telephone - dedicated telephone field (allows numbers only)

Web address - allow user to add a web address like

Date field - allow the user to select a date using a calendar

DateTime field - allow the user to input a date and time

View responses

To view any responses that are submitted through your form, visit the Dashboard and select the "Form Results" option. 

You will see a list of any forms that are set up on the website and a button for "View responses". Left click this to display the latest responses to the form. You can also Export to Excel using the button in the top right of the screen. 

Email notifications

To get an email each time someone fills out your website form simply add your email address, or multiple email address separate by a comma in the "Options" tabs when building the form.