The dashboard is where you can control every aspect of your CMS. There are a range of options on the dashboard, some you will use a lot and others not as often. Below is an overview of the available options and what they do. Links are available to more detailed information about each section.
Once you have successfully logged into the CMS you will be presented with the dashboard.
The sitemap allows you to view the tree structure of your website; from here you can add pages/sub pages, reorder pages, set page properties and themes. You can also use the page search facility for larger sites to locate pages.
The files section houses the File Manager to upload new files documents and images, delete old ones, etc.
The members section allows you to add or delete users within your CMS and assign them to your editor group (or other groups) depending on your set up.
Under reports you can view any submissions to your contact forms, website logs and survey data.
For website visitor numbers and data please speak to your account handler about our Analytics services.
Stacks & Blocks
Here you can manage content controlled through 'stacks' which can be featured on multiple pages and updated in one location.
A good example of this is content within a 'global area' like your company logo or footer which is featured on every page of the site.